Connecticut Bizness
Next stop on the trabel tube… Connecticut! We spent a lubly day enjoying the water and watching the boats going out ob the harbor, then back in the harbor, some ob them went fishing and some just seemed to float around. I fink we could build a bizness around this.
Fank you Paul Littlefield for hooking us up with the proper Internashunal Bizness credentshuls!
Glad you came to Connecticut! Next time try our world famous pizza in New Haven or yummie chocolates in Litchfield or roses in Hartford or visit Mystic Aquarium.
I’m glad you had a nice time in Connecticut. Come back soon, there’s lots more to see and do.
Do you know why they call us the “Nutmeg State”? It’s because during the colonial days, people often bought whole nutmegs (a kind of spice) and ground off little bits to put in their food. (Today we buy nutmeg already ground.) Pedlars from Connecticut used to trabel around selling fings, but they were real sharp dealers and sometimes sold people pieces of wood carved to look like nutmegs, instead of real ones. Two lessons for you boys: (1) don’t buy any wooden nutmegs, and (2) don’t be sharp dealers once you graduate and go into business yourselves.
Next time yoo go yoo need to try and go fishin’. Dey are fun to catch and are Yummy! nom nom nom. Yoo could really do sum gud bizness there.